Our Events, Your Events
2021年新冠病毒疫情嚴峻,大家困守家中, 十分苦悶,校友會有見於此,在五月舉辦網上讀書會, 校友可網上見面, 作輕鬆交流, 促進心理健康。開始時即明言這並非學術研究, 而是輕鬆地分享一些好書。疫情期間, 未能在圖書館借書, 網上開讀書會, 只能用免費的書網站。
主要是看中港台作家的中文書, 也看過加拿大, 日本作家翻譯本, 選的都是短篇, 可能不是作家最佳作品, 主要是避免用電腦或手機看長篇的吃力。
一年後,2022年5月,改名為輕鬆文化沙龍, 內容多些變化, 讀書之外, 看電影, 講旅行和舊歷史。實體聚會: 多倫多和香港的歲月懷舊, Alfred 展出珍貴藏品, Wilson 講他的集郵嗜好。
2023年5月, 疫情基本上已過去, 回復正常生活, 我們兩年前辨這個網上聚會目的已達, 於是鳴金收兵。輕鬆讀書站舉行了最後的活動作為總結, 陳宝文即席揮毫,教大家一同臨摹畫免。

In 2021, amidst the severe COVID-19 pandemic, when everyone was confined to their homes and experiencing a great deal of frustration, the Alumni Association took notice of this and organized an "Online Book Club" in May. Alumni were able to meet online, engage in casual discussions, and promote their mental well-being. It was made clear from the outset that this initiative was not intended for academic research, but rather for the relaxed sharing of good books. Due to the pandemic, borrowing books from libraries was not possible, so we resorted to using free online book platforms.
The primary focus was on books written by authors from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, although we also explored translated works by Canadian and Japanese authors. We specifically selected shorter works, not necessarily the authors' magnum opus, in order to make reading more manageable without straining our eyes on lengthy pieces.
One year later, in May 2022, the book club underwent a name change to "Casual Cultural Salon." This brought about various changes in content. In addition to book discussions, we began to incorporate elements such as film viewing, travel narratives, and historical anecdotes. In-person gatherings became a part of our routine, with events like "Nostalgic Toronto and Hong Kong Years," where Alfred displayed his precious collections, and Wilson shared his philatelic hobbies.
By May 2023, as the pandemic had largely subsided, and normal life had resumed, we realized that the original objectives of this online gathering, set two years prior, had been achieved. Consequently, we decided to conclude our activities. The "Casual Cultural Salon" organized one final event to serve as a summary, where Boman Chen spontaneously demonstrated calligraphy for everyone, teaching us how to copy a painting using brush and ink.

地點:音飛演藝廳(Infiniti, 351 Ferrier Street, Markham)
一、 唱歌:我們很高興及榮幸能邀請到 Maria Yee(伊坤桂校友)演出長達八分鐘的串燒歌曲
二、 舞蹈:由十位校友演出精彩舞蹈,至於是什麼舞和有什麼特色,容許在此賣個關子

Alumni in Ontario Canada join hands to break Guinness World Record
The HKBU Alumni Association of Ontario joined the Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario) to set a new Guinness World Record of most people bouncing table tennis balls on table tennis rackets for 10 seconds at a single venue last week. The 343 participants broke the old record made by 250 people.
Alumna Sophia Chan, Chairperson of HKBU Alumni Association of Ontario and Joint Chairperson of Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario), said the event was held to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Canada, as well as the 20th anniversary of HKSAR. She added that the event was not only creative and meaningful but also demonstrated the united spirit of alumni from Hong Kong institutions.

Hong Kong Joint Universities Alumni (Ontario) Tree Planting Ceremony
(June 24, 2017)
As the chairing association for this year's HKJU, HKBUAAO had organized along with 8 otherAlumni Associations a tree planting event on Saturday, June 24, 2017 (Saturday), at 10:00 am to celebrate the Canada150 and the HKSAR 20th Anniversary.
This tree planting event was held at the Henry White Park (formerly named Willowheight Park), located at 135 Moss Creek Blvd, Markham (intersection of 16th Ave & Woodbine)